​Why should you upgrade your truck with a McGaughys liftkit

Feb 11th 2016

Why should you upgrade your truck with a McGaughys liftkit

If there is one thing truck owners love more than their car, it is probably modifying it to be bigger, better and more powerful. Most of the time, trucks are built to be work horses able to carry or to tow heavy loads while running over steep terrain: rocks, river crossings, mud, and so on. In order to achieve many of these, the truck needs a strong engine.

However, no matter how strong the engine is, all the power will be useful if the truck isn’t tall enough to overcome an obstacle. Fortunately, there are McGaughys lift kits out there which will heighten your truck with little effort.

How McGaughys lift kits work

In short words, your truck gets a taller suspension. Although they differ from one truck to another, McGaughys lift kits usually contain the following elements: lift spindles, compression struts, support and tie rods, torsion bar drop brackets, trailing arm and relocators and track bar relocation bracket, along other model specific elements that will allow the McGaughys lift kit to be properly mounted and fit into place.

Once you have ordered the right McGaughys lift kit for your truck, you can go ahead and start mounting as per instructions. It is highly recommended that you search for specialized help if you have no prior experience in mounting McGaughys lift kits. This will reduce chances of improper install or malfunction of suspension. You definitely don’t want your truck to fail right in the middle of rough terrain, in the middle of the night. When McGaughys lift kits are mounted properly, such disasters are avoided.

Why choose McGaughys lift kits

First of all, McGaughys lift kits work right out of the box. Many competitor products require differential tampering or grinding, which poses a considerably high risk. With McGaughys lift kits, the stock center differential gets left alone. Minimal cutting and drilling is also enforced.

When it comes to quality, McGaughys makes no compromise; all McGaughys lift kits’ components are machined within the US, keeping the highest quality control standards available in the industry.

By installing a McGaughys lift kit, your truck gets higher ground clearance, thus being able to avoid low ground objects and attack steeper areas without worrying about the fact that it may bottom out or scratch off any belly components. Not only that it will rise higher, but after having installed a McGaughys lift kit, trucks can be fit with larger diameter wheels. It’s a known fact that bigger wheels mean better traction.

Do you want your truck to tower over other vehicles on the road? Get a proper McGaughys lift kit and you will watch everyone from above.

About McGaughys suspension

In 2011, McGaughys took McGaughys lift kit and lowering kit market by avalanche. Providing fresh new styling, high quality components, McGaughys lift kits and lowering kits are one of the most respected and sought-after products on the market at the moment. McGaughys is also responsible for filling the large void in truck lifting industry left by other competitors whom were unable to provide products that would perfectly fit the needs of buyers.